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International Endurance Swim Camp

Playitas Resort, Fuerteventura

Welcome to Simcoachen's popular swimming camp where the focus is on faster swimming over longer distances. This week we also welcome international guests to attend the camp as it will be in English. At this camp you will also have the opportunity to practice your triathlon skills/running skills even if the main event is swimming.

About the camp

During the week, we offer two different swimming focuses: Endurance Intro (for those who can swim 400 m freestyle/crawl) and Endurance Squad (for those who have swum with us before). We swim 1.5 hours a day plus a couple of open water sessions during the week.

Simcoachen loves swimming and is passionate about teaching sustainable, smart and fast swimming for all levels. With a broad competence in the latest technology and methodology, we guide you individually and with ear bone conduct technology for instans feedback. We guarantee better swimming, whether you want to swim faster, longer or with more comfort.


Weekly program will be sent out 14 days prior to departure.

Who can join this swimming camp?

You will find the help you need to develop your swimming - regardless of whether you are a beginner with respect for water, a youth who competes in swimming, a triathlete who wants to develop further, a professional who wants to make a good swimming Ironman Hawaii or simply just want a nice swimming as a form of exercise. We have the methodology and knowledge that suits your level and of course we’ll listen to your needs. We fix your swimming, quite simply!

Two swim coaches from Simcoachen will guide you in groups of maximum 10 people. Johan Hasselmark from Aktivitus will be coaching the triathlon sessions and Löplabbet (Sweden’s bigger shoe specialist) will coach the running sessions.

The trip takes place in collaboration with Simcoachen, which stands for coaches and training programs. Playitas regular facilities, including sports program is as usual available to all guests staying at the hotel.

Info about the trip

Price from: 17 998 SEK Date: 11-17 Nov 2024 Hotel: Playitas Resort Flights from: Stockholm, Köpenhamn & Göteborg. *Possibility to book without flights, discount of 4000 SEK applies. Flygtider: See flight times here by choosing the current date in the calendar view.

This is included

  • Flight tickets from above-mentioned airports

  • Flight food

  • Accomodation in double room or apartment

  • Transfer for those with flights included

  • Half board (breakfast & dinner)

  • Training according to program

​​* 3500: - added fee for single room

Contact us: [email protected]




Om instruktören



Hos Simcoachen finner du den hjälp du behöver för att utvecklas i din simning – oavsett om du är nybörjare med respekt för vatten, ungdom som simtävlar, tretalet som vill utvecklas vidare, proffs som vill ta sig till Ironman Hawaii eller helt enkelt bara önskar en schysst simning som motionsform. Vi har metodiken och kunskapen som passar din nivå och lyssnar självklart på dina behov. Vi fixar din simning, helt enkelt!

Ledare från Simcoachen är med (varav en finns på en SUP/kajak ute till havs) samt att vi simmar tillsammans i mindre/större grupper - vi har alltid en simbuddy som vi har koll på/blir kollad av.