Apollogästers omdömen
Omdömen på TripAdvisor
Här ser du våra egna Apollogästers omdömen om hotellet.
8 av 10 baserat på 7 omdömen
Övergripande bedömning
8,0 / 10
8,6 / 10
Motsvarade förväntningar
7,3 / 10
Mat och dryck
7,0 / 10
7,9 / 10
8,9 / 10

Senaste omdömena

7 av 10

Stort rum. Bra eget duschrum och rummet hade sovrum med balkong och ett första rum med en andra säng. Kylskåp och diskbänk men ingen spis, men skulle med kokplatta på flera av era andra lokaler klassats som lägenhet och inte rum.
Omgivningen. Mycket märkligt att behöva gå en gata utan beläggning från huvudgatan, där folk bränner sopor och avfall, och miljön och fastighetsskicket på grannfastigheterna var fullständigt annorlunda. Det att man brännder inte bara rökelse utan framförallt sopor, sopar ihop soper och tänder eld på dem där de hamnar längs gatan upplevde jag som mycket störande eftersom det stank ned hela kvarteret beroende på vind, men även som en brandfara.

Bekräftad gäst: 2023-03-29

9 av 10


Bekräftad gäst: 2023-02-09

7 av 10


Bekräftad gäst: 2023-02-08

Omdömena baseras på enskilda resenärers inlägg hos TripAdvisor (konsumentsida för resor och hotell). Dessa resenärer kan ha rest med annan arrangör eller individuellt. Apollo tar inget ansvar för innehåll eller bedömningar.

Genomsnittliga omdömen

  • 4/5 Läge
  • 4/5 Sovkvalitet
  • 3,5/5 Rum
  • 4/5 Service
  • 4/5 Standard
  • 4/5 Renlighet

0% av resenärerna rekommenderar

493 omdömen
Väldigt bra
Mindre bra

5 senaste omdömen


av pernilla l Hallstavik, Sverige

Familjärt och trevligt!

Ett lugnt och trivsamt hotell en bit in från huvudgatans trafik och barer. Hotellet har underhållning flera kvällar i veckan som tystnar strax före 23. Har en innergård som lockar till att stanna upp ett tag för prat med andra gäster, en bit mat eller ett dopp i poolen efter strandbesöket. Bör kanske inte heta Beach resort då det är en liten promenad till stranden ( ca 15 min ). Hotellet har trevlig personal och bra rum med ett litet förrum med kylskåp, soffa med bord, diskbänk och vattenkokare med kaffe och te som fylls på varje dag. Även 2 flaskor vatten per dag sätts in på diskbänken varje dag. Ont om förvaring men gott om plats. Okey frukost men saknar variation på bröd och pålägg, det är rostbröd varje dag med marmelad som gäller. Men ägg i alla variationer går att få och några lagade indiska maträtter.


av Nigel B Sverige

Enkelt, budget hotel

Personalen var hjälpsamma och trevliga. Om det uppstod problem (inget varmt vatten) löstes det ganska omgående. Rummet var enkelt men rent. Det fattades avlastnings hylla i badrummet och då var det minimal med plats för grejorna. Saknades även lådor över huvudtaget. Frukosten var ok, det var äggvarianterna som räddade den! Läget var bra, nära till huvud gatan och bara 15-20 minuter till stranden. Tyst läge. Det som var bäst var läget och personalen. Sämst, standarden på rummet och frukost.


av David M Exeter, Storbritannien

Recommended with reservations

I am a glass-half-full type of reviewer, looking for the upside to a holiday. There are lots of positives about the Era Santiago, but also some negatives to be aware of. The Era Santiago is a small hotel. This means that you get to know the staff and (Heaven forfend!) talk to other guests. The amenities and standard of decor may not be up to the 4 and 5 star hotels but there is a certain charm to the place. So, the executive summary: + Great location - on a quiet side-road but only 3 min walk to Baga town centre and 10 mins to Baga beach + Clean, good housekeeping + Good a/c and ceiling fans + Large rooms (with fridge) + Large shower with plenty of hot water + Outside areas and pool kept immaculate + Excellent, friendly staff who ask for (and remember) your name + Good quality food, made to order + No issues with hygiene (salads often ordered with no ill-effects) + Local gin and rum for all-inclusives, perfectly drinkable + Schweppes tonic, not cheap alternative + bottled beer (Kingfisher Premium for all-inclusive and other beers available at standard prices if want to pay for them) but... - Very limited area around pool to sunbathe (lots of shade) - Sun drops behind buildings and trees by 4pm - Limited cocktails for all-inclusive (Pina Colada, Tom Collins, Screwdriver) - Inconsistent recipes - Poor entertainment - Poor at special occasions A quirk of my bedroom was that the wall-mounted TV was at the entrance to the room, meaning I couldn't actually see it when sitting on the bed. This was a bit bizarre but may have been just my room as I looked into another and all seemed normal. The waiters and cleaners are by far the hotel's biggest asset. Being a small hotel there are only four or five and you get to know all of them by name. They are friendly without being overbearing. If you are sitting alone with a drink one might come over to talk to you, but leave you alone if you don't feel like being sociable. Really, if all waiters were like this, the world would be a better place. Thank You David, Lokesh, Pritesh, Sada and Walter. Unlike most other all-inclusive hotels, food here is cooked to order from the menu. If you fancy something different the staff will try to oblige, and the portion sizes are huge. It took a few days to work out how much to order for a party of four adults (definitely not four starters, four mains and four sides!). The usual range of Goan local drinks is available - Kingfisher lager (by the bottle), gin, rum, whisky, vodka, etc. Pepsi is served in 250ml bottles (rather than draft) so you know it is fresh and unopened. Iced coffee also delicious and available throughout the day. The menu deserves a special mention. There is an extensive range of Indian and international cuisine, but when it comes to ordering it is more like a set of guidelines: many of the dishes are 'off', and the waiters don't seem to recognise some of the names! So what happens is that, as you order a particular dish, the waiter will suggest something else, probably similar and something the chef can cook. I got the feeling that the menu was printed some time ago, perhaps when other chefs were in charge. Also, you can order the same dish three or four days running and get different outcomes depending on which chef is on duty. But important to say that all the food is delicious, it just sometimes a surprise. I have to write about the elephant in the room, that is Christmas Day and New Year's Eve. At all hotels I have ever stayed in these are big nights: lavish buffets, top-class entertainment, and a good time had by all. The buffet on Christmas Day fell lamentably short of lavish and the entertainment was genuinely appalling: when the musicians took a break mid-evening and put on a CD, Perry Como got a round of applause! It was so bad it was (almost, but not) good. One of the reasons for the poor showing might be the lack of all-inclusive customers. I was told that the hotel used to be packed with UK couples pre-Covid, but the fairly small contingent this year doesn't allow for massive spend on the holiday celebrations. Perhaps this will change as more customers return. Such was our experience on Christmas Day that we chose to not risk New Year's Eve and booked a table at a local restaurant. Reports from other guest about the hotel's celebrations were similar to the Christmas Day debacle. What a shame, because it makes my overall review of Era Santiago one of recommending it as a destination, but not over the Christmas period. Given the good nature of the staff, I fervently hope this will change in the future and someone can update this review with a better experience. In conclusion, will I come back? Not next year, but maybe in five.


av MK1Spitfire Taunton, Storbritannien

So to return to Goa and the Santiago

Nice to return here after 5 years , also nice to see David , Walter and the boys still there . Rooms very clean as is the pool and dining area . Had a small issue when the bed broke but we were quickly moved and the problem solved with no fuss . Also noted was the lack of Russians , so no rude , drunken antics from them like last time we stayed here . We stayed B&B but the breakfast was always first class , I can heartily recommend the cheese and onion omelettes ! So nice to see my brother from another mother , Jack the Jeweller next door to the hotel , MSF jewellers are the best in Goa , wouldn’t go anywhere else , been using Jack for 8 years with total satisfaction . He will make anything you want at a very reasonable cost . We again returned to Blighty with some of his jewellery as we always do :) Further up the lane you will find our dear friend Ravi’s clothes shop . Everything you need for your clothing and footwear needs . Always worth a browse . opposite Ravi’s is the Cherry Olive Restaurant, it used to be called Royal Relish , back then the food was top notch , however since then I’m sorry to say we found the quality has slipped and the food to be awful , Only dined there once , that was enough . In conclusion I can recommend The Santiago as a clean , friendly hotel with brilliant staff , will be returning for sure . Thanks Guys .


av Navigator03814892148


(this is my second visit to property...first on 2018 and now in 2023...reviews after my second visit) Worst management... Arrogant staff... Most important -,There is no parking for car... Swimming pool is not maintained... Bathroom water has something bad smell... Horrible...think abt 3-4 times before visit